Wind Blows
Chairs numbering one less than the number of participants are arranged in a circle. Everyone sits on the chairs, except for one person who stands in the centre. This person...
Willows from Vojvodina
All the participants are willows from Vojvodina that bend in the wind, shake, wave, and rustle their leaves – all the things that a willow from Vojvodina does on an...
What Is Green?
Everyone sits in a circle. Their task is to silently count the number of green things in the room. After one minute, several people say how many things they have...
What Is Green?
Everyone sits in a circle. Their task is to silently count the number of green things in the room. After one minute, several people say how many things they have...
What Do You See in the Drawing?
Materials: A copy of the drawing for each participant Exercise description Prepare one or more drawings with different images beforehand. Hand out copies of the drawing to the...
Wall Newspaper: Team Work 2
What Makes Teamwork Successful?
Wall Newspaper: Team Work
The answers to the following questions are written on two papers: What Makes Decision Making More Difficult? What Can Help?
Wall Newspaper: Discrimination
Possible subjects: Examples of Discrimination in Our Societies Groups of People Discriminated in Our Societies
Wall Newspaper: Conflicts
Wall Newspaper: Conflicts Arise Because of... Duration: 5–10 minutes Wall Newspaper: Types of Behaviour in Conflicts Duration: 5–10 minutes
One person stands in the middle of a circle with a blindfold on while everyone else moves around them. Intermittently, someone addresses the person with the blindfold with a word,...
Violence According to Galtung, Structural and Cultural Violence
Read more: Kobe jstor
Everyone closes their eyes and moves around the room. The trainer touches one person, who becomes a “vampire”. The vampire walks around with their arms out and when they feel...
Traveling to Jerusalem in Pairs
The participants are divided into pairs. They can only act as a pair, not individually. There are two chairs less than there are participants. At the signal (music stops, whistle,...
Everyone lies down on the floor next to each other (with no space in between them). They lie down on their stomachs with their arms next to their bodies so...
Touch a Colour*
Everyone walks around the room. Their task is to react to the commands as quickly as they can. The commands tell them what to touch: for example, “touch a white...
At the beginning of the game you show what some of the figures/statues that will be used look like (for example, a toaster, a microwave, a kangaroo, an elephant, a...
Theoretical Summary: Principles of Nonviolent Communication
Materials: Flipchart Exercise description The trainer briefly introduces the principles of nonviolent communication and various techniques (I-speech, active listening, open-ended questions). After the presentation, a handout should be distributed...
The Pelican and the Penguins
At the beginning of the game there is one pelican who moves in big steps with their arms held out, constantly flapping them, and trying to touch the penguins. The...
The Hidden Composer
One volunteer leaves the room and the others decide who will be the “hidden composer”. The hidden composer makes movements while the group imitates them, repeating every movement. The task...
The Blind Car*
Participants work in pairs. One person who is the “driver” stands behind another, who is the “car” and has their eyes closed. The driver guides the movements of the car...
Materials: A big paper with targets drawn on it, felt-tips or small stickers Exercise description Draw targets on the big pieces of paper beforehand (see image). Above each target...
Divide into groups of four or five. Each group should “build” the given structure by linking themselves up. The structures can be: a bridge, a tree, a school, a plane,...
Divide into groups of four or five. Each group should “build” the given structure by linking themselves up. The structures can be: a bridge, a tree, a school, a plane,...
Sorting Ourselves*
A fast game for moving and getting to know each other. The group is given the task of sorting themselves into a line as quickly as they can according to:...
Small Space
The group is divided into two or three smaller groups. The task of each group is to take up as little space as possible. The winners are the group that...
Small and Big Animals
Everyone should silently think of their favourite animal (or any animal). The task is for everyone to line up from smallest to biggest animal without talking and only by imitating...
Small and Big Animals
Everyone should silently think of their favourite animal (or any animal). The task is for everyone to line up from smallest to biggest animal without talking and only by imitating...
Shoe Game
Participants put on a blindfold. They are told to take off their shoes. One of the trainers mixes up the shoes and the participants have to find their own shoes...
Everyone sits on a chair in a circle and the trainer makes a noise that everyone has to repeat one by one so that it grows louder or quieter. Possibilities...
Everyone sits in a circle and one person goes into the centre of the circle and puts on a blindfold. They are the pussycat. Someone spins them around so that...
Practising “I-speech” in Pairs
Exercise description Split into pairs. Instructions: Think about a situation that made you angry, explain the circumstances to your partner and role play your initial reaction. Your partner should respond...
Passing a Ring*
Participants are divided into two equal groups. The groups should stand in lines facing each other. Everyone receives a straw that they should hold in their mouths. The person at...
Passing a Bean
Participants are divided into two equal groups. The groups should stand in lines facing each other. Everyone gets a spoon to hold. A single bean is placed into the spoons...
Passing a Balloon
The participants stand in two concentric circles. The participants in the outer circle and the participants in the inner circle turn to face each other. One person from the other...
Open, Closed
Everyone sits in a circle. The trainer gives a pencil to the person sitting to their right according to a rule that only they know and says: “I take open/closed,...
One Word
Materials: Big paper, felt-tips Exercise description A large piece of paper is placed on the floor. Participants have to think of a single word that would describe the training...
One – Two – Three
Step 1. Participants pair up. In their pairs they count together: they take turns to count to three and then they start again from one. (A: “One”, B: “Two”, A:...
One – Two – Three
Step 1. Participants pair up. In their pairs they count together: they take turns to count to three and then they start again from one. (A: “One”, B: “Two”, A:...
National Identity and Other Identities
Materials: Papers with a circle drawn on them, felt-tip pens Exercise description Everyone gets a paper with a circle drawn on it. The task is to make an identity “pie-chart”....
Names and Balls
This is a version of the game “Passing the Ball” that has been adapted to help people learn each other’s names. Everyone stands in a circle. One person throws the...
Names and Associations
Everyone sits or stands in a circle. One person says the name of the person to their left and a word that occurs to them (for example, “Alma and raspberry”)....
Names and Adjectives
The first person says their name and an adjective that begins with the same letter as their name. The next person repeats the name and the adjective from the previous...
Name and Gesture
Everyone sits or stands in a circle. One person says their name and while saying it makes a gesture. The next person repeats that name and gesture and then says...
My Name Means
Each person in the circle says their name and what it means.
My Name
Each person in the circle says their name and tells a story about it: what it means, how it was given to them, who gave it to them etc.
Method Barometer
Prepare statements beforehand based on the topic. Determine two “poles” (end positions) in the room: for instance, one wall can stand for one pole (strong agreement with a statement) and...
The participants are divided into groups of three. Two members of the group massage the third who leans over with their hands towards the floor, as relaxed as possible. Then...
Making a Line while Holding Hands*
Everyone stands in a circle holding hands. They are given the task of sorting themselves alphabetically by name but at any given point everyone has to be holding at least...
Magical Object
Everyone stands in a circle. The trainer says that they have a magical object that transforms as soon as it changes hands: it changes its shape, size, weight, smell, turns...
Magical Object
Everyone stands in a circle. The trainer says that they have a magical object that transforms as soon as it changes hands: it changes its shape, size, weight, smell, turns...
Magic Box
One by one, people draw an “invisible object” (i.e. an imaginary one) from the “magic box” (which can be a box, a hat or something similar). They use mime to...
Magic Box
One by one, people draw an “invisible object” (i.e. an imaginary one) from the “magic box” (which can be a box, a hat or something similar). They use mime to...
Lucky Bucket*
You will need a plastic bucket with a handle. Everyone sits in a circle close to each other with their legs spread out. One person hangs a plastic bucket on...
Linking Statues
Everyone stands in a wide circle. One person makes a statue in the centre of the circle and the first person who has an idea about making a joint statue...
Linking Statues
Everyone stands in a wide circle. One person makes a statue in the centre of the circle and the first person who has an idea about making a joint statue...
Let’s Go to Kilimanjaro
Everyone receives a sheet of paper. Their task is to write their name on the top of the page, in the centre, and to put the paper down in front...
Left and Right Hand Signatures
Exercise description Paper and pencils are distributed to the participants and they are asked to sign their name. Then they are supposed to use one word to describe how it...
Leading with the Palm
The group is divided into pairs. In each pair, one participant leads by holding their palm at a certain distance (5–10 cm) from their partner’s face. The distance from the...
Leading by the Palm
The group is divided into pairs. In each pair, one participant leads by holding their palm at a certain distance (5–10 cm) from their partner’s face. The distance from the...
Leading by Sound
The participants pair up. The pairs choose a sound (for example, onomatopoeia, an exclamation) that they will use to recognise each other. Person A in each group has the task...
Leading by Sound
The participants pair up. The pairs choose a sound (for example, onomatopoeia, an exclamation) that they will use to recognise each other. Person A in each group has the task...
Materials: Notebook, pencil The journal is a notebook that is always in the workshop room. Participants and trainers can write their thoughts in the notebook, as well as messages that...
Imitating the People in the Group
Everyone stands in a circle. A volunteer steps into the circle and imitates someone from the group using mime or a single sentence while the others have to guess who...
Imitating an Action
Write down actions on a piece of paper, for example: “fixing your hair”, “jumping”, “being angry”, “swimming”, “walking on heels”, “eating flowers”. Write a single action on each piece of...
Imaginary Ball
Everyone stands in a circle. They pass around an imaginary ball while jumping up and saying “Ha!”
Ice Man
One person is the “Ice Man.” When the Ice Man touches someone, they freeze (they can’t move). Participants who are not frozen can “thaw” those who are by touching them....
I Say A, I Do B
The participants stand in a circle and one person begins by saying that they are doing something, for e.g. “I am brushing my hair,” while doing something else at the...
I Am Telling You a Story
An exercise for waking up the imagination. Prepare cards (papers) so that each has one word written on it (nouns). The number of cards is three times bigger than the...
I Am Telling You a Story
An exercise for waking up the imagination. Prepare cards (papers) so that each has one word written on it (nouns). The number of cards is three times bigger than the...
Hunter, Granny, Lion
The lion is scared of the hunter (the hunter shoots from a gun); the granny is scared of the lion (the lion shows his “front paws” and roars); and the...
The first person lies on their back, the second person lies down so that their head is resting on the stomach of the first person, the third person lies down...
Hey Friend!
The participants stand in a circle. One of the participants walks around the circle and touches someone on the shoulder. This person then has to leave the circle and start...
Handshake and Hugs
The participants sit in a circle. One sends a hug to the right by saying, “This is a hug”. The next person is supposed to ask, “What is this?” and...
At the trainer’s signal, the participants have to shake the hands of every person in the room (including the trainers) in 30 seconds.
Guess Who?
One volunteer has to leave the room and think up five questions that will help them identify one of the people from the group. The questions have to begin with...
Grimace Circle
The participants stand in a circle. One person begins by turning to the person on their right and making a grimace (and/or a movement). That person now has to repeat...
Grimace Circle
The participants stand in a circle. One person begins by turning to the person on their right and making a grimace (and/or a movement). That person now has to repeat...
Gordian Knot*
All the participants stand in a circle. At the signal, they close their eyes, put their arms in front of them and start to slowly move towards the centre of...
Good morning, neighbour!
The first person begins by addressing the person to their left: “Good morning, neighbour! Is your cigarette holder damp?”, and the other person answers, “No, but I’ll ask my neighbour!”...
Glass Cobra*
Everyone sits in a circle so that their shoulders are touching. Then everyone turns right so they are looking at the back of someone’s head. With their eyes closed, they...
Fruit Salad*
The group is divided into, for example, apples, raspberries, grapes and peaches. This can be done by counting off or by having the participants choose their favourite fruit, but there...
Fruit and Animals*
Everyone stands in a circle. One person begins by clapping their hands and saying the name of a fruit, the person next to them claps their hands and says the...
One of the participants is a fox with a tail made out of a towel, scarf, or some similar object. The fox tries to catch the participants and “freeze” them...
Five Pieces of Sticky Tape
Everyone receives five pieces of sticky tape and their task is to stick it to themselves, wherever they want. At a given signal, everyone is supposed to free themselves of...
One person stands in front of the rest of the group, using their arms to imitate a fish and the water. One arm moves to represent the waves. The other...
Fast fruit
Everyone sits in a circle. First, everyone takes turns saying a fruit or a vegetable which will be their name during the game. The “names” cannot be repeated. One person...
Participants are divided into groups of three, except for one person who is the “leader”. In each group two participants make a house (they face each other and hold their...
The participants pair up. Person A is in front and has their eyes closed. Person B is the driver who drives by giving the following signals: squeezing the left shoulder...
The participants pair up. Person A is in front and has their eyes closed. Person B is the driver who drives by giving the following signals: squeezing the left shoulder...
Drawing by Instruction
Materials: Paper and pencils Exercise description Everyone gets a sheet of paper and pencil. The trainer gives instructions for drawing geometric shapes that will make up a concrete drawing....
Everyone gets into a line and holds the person in front of them by the waist, forming a “dragon”. The first person in line is the “head,” and the last...
Dividing into Small Groups with the Help of Balloons
Participants play with baloons. (The balloons are of three different colours and there are as many balloons as participants.) At the signal (clapping, music stops or something else), everyone catches...
Dividing into Pairs with the Help of a String
Prepare strings that are about 20 cm long. The number of strings should be half as many as the number of participants. The trainer holds the strings in their hand...
Dear, Do You Love Me?
One participant asks the person on their right, “Dear, do you love me?” and that person answers, “Yes, dear, I love you but I can’t smile for you.” The second...
The participants are divided into groups of three. The task of the group is to follow the commands of the trainer. The trainer gives the commands: “Your group represents a...
Everyone gets into a comfortable position and closes their eyes. Participants are not allowed to communicate. The goal is to count from one to the number of people that there...
All the participants walk around the room with their eyes closed and making a clucking sound. The trainer touches one person and this person becomes the “chicken” and stops clucking....
Everyone receives three clothes-pins that they pin to their clothes. First task: You should have as many clothes-pins on your clothes as possible and you get them by taking them...
Clap! Everyone in the group thinks of a number from 1 to 3. Depending on the number they have thought of they will greet the others in the following way:...
This game uses only three commands: “Cip!”, “Cep!” and “Boing!” Everyone stands in a circle. One person begins by issuing one of the commands. If they say: Cip: the person...
The trainer sticks a piece of paper with the name of a celebrity on every participant back. Each person has to guess who their celebrity is by asking any of...
First the “path” of the ball is determined. We throw the ball so that each person in the group catches it once. If someone has already held the ball after...
The participants stand in two lines facing each other so that they form a “tunnel”. One person from the end of the lines goes through the tunnel so that the...
The participants sit in a circle, on the floor, with their knees raised. Two objects (for example, shoes, socks, pencils, etc.) are passed around under the “bridge” made by the...
The task is to list them on the board of the association on a certain topic. Associations are recorded without comment and discussion, and the facilitator may request a brief...
Bomb and Shield*
Everyone chooses two people – one to represent a bomb and one to represent a shield – without revealing who they chose. At the signal, everyone runs away from their...
Blind Hand Search*
Participants are divided into pairs and they close their eyes. Each pair shakes hands; after shaking hands they should let go of their partner’s hand and walk around the room....
Blind Bottles
Everyone closes their eyes and slowly and silently moves through the room, holding their arms by their bodies so they don’t hit anyone. Whenever they touch someone, they “ricochet” trying...
Blanket Game
Two people hold up a blanket like a curtain. The participants are divided into two groups who are hidden from each other by this curtain (they are squatting, sitting, kneeling)....
As If I…
Everyone walks around the room. When the trainer gives the signal, everyone acts as if what the trainer just said had actually happened: You heard some great news. You are...
As If I…
Everyone walks around the room. When the trainer gives the signal, everyone acts as if what the trainer just said had actually happened: - You heard some great news. -...
Animal Orchestra
Divide the participants into four groups. Every participant draws from a hat/bag a piece of paper on which is written the name of an animal (e.g. dog, cat, chicken, cow,...
Animal Farm
All the participants draw a paper on which is written the name of an animal (each animal is on two pieces of paper). Participants have to imitate the animal on...
An Emotion Expressed with a Number
The participants pair up. Participants have the task of telling an emotion to their partner that was given to them by the trainer (for e.g. “You are sad now” or...
An Emotion Expressed with a Number
The participants pair up. Participants have the task of telling an emotion to their partner that was given to them by the trainer (for e.g. “You are sad now” or...
A Bear and the Villagers
One person is the bear; the others are the villagers. When the bear appears and roars, all the villagers have to play dead while the bear examines them. Anyone who...
A Ball of Yarn
Everyone stands in a circle. The first person takes a ball of yarn and throws it to someone while holding on to a thread. The person who catches the ball...
5 Minutes of Silence
Exercise description Everyone sits in a circle in silence. Their task is to listen to the sounds in the room and coming in from outside. After five minutes, the participants...